COVID19 Risk Assessment
Title: Coronavirus – premises-based staff and customers | |
Date of Assessment: 23/06/2020 | |
Risk Assessor: Jill Weston | |
People involved in making this assessment: Trustees & members of Management committee, all staff, customers, WHBC Environmental Health Officer | |
Task/Process: Risks from Coronavirus | |
People at Risk: Staff, customers, tenants, delivery people, contractors | |
Hazard: Uninformed staff and co-ordinators of groups who are not fully aware and understanding of the procedures and arrangements we have put in place to work with Government Policy could compromise our arrangements and jeopardise the health of others. | |
Control Measures: | |
1. Our plans and procedures to be shared and co-ordinated with the Environmental Health Officer at WHBC, members of committee, staff and groups/tenants. | |
2. All members of staff, customers and tenants will also be fully briefed via email to ensure they are aware of the hazards and risks and understand the rules and procedures we have put in place. | |
3. NHS and public health warning posters and signs will be displayed throughout the premises. | |
4. A purpose-made form will be issued to all group leaders/co-ordinators to ensure they manage the safety of their clients responsibly. | |
5. Social distancing tape for queuing will be installed in the front lobby, halls, corridor by the toilets and outside the main front entrance. Suggested maximum numbers of people for each hall have been communicated to co-ordinators of groups. There will be one-way signs and arrows. | |
6. All procedures and measures to reduce the risk of spreading Coronavirus are being prepared based on NHS, Public Health and Government guidance. These will be updated to reflect any changes to official guidance. | |
Hazard: Communal facilities, entrance, toilets, office etc: Risk of cross contamination from equipment, surfaces etc. | |
Control Measures: | |
1. The whole building and its contents were sanitised by Servicemaster on 14/06/2020. | |
2. Hand sanitising dispensers will be installed just inside both main doorways. | |
3. Staff will be instructed to clean their hands after using the toilet by washing their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. | |
4. Supplies of soap and sanitising agents are provided and are regularly topped up at all hand-washing stations. Public Health hand washing advice | |
posters will be displayed next to each hand-washing basin. Paper towels and electric hand dryers are provided in all toilets. | |
5. Anti-bacterial wipes will be provided in toilets for wiping toilet seats and in halls and kitchen for customers to use. | |
6. Co-ordinators will be asked to provide disposable tissues for their clients to use and tissues are also provided in the office for staff. | |
7. Cleaners will be instructed to clean toilets and sinks, workspaces and high-touch areas (e.g. door handles, push plates and push bars, soap dispensers, light switches, water cooler) more frequently. | |
8. Staff and customers will be asked to report to the manager any surfaces that are visibly contaminated with bodily fluids and warned not to touch them. | |
9. Social distancing tape to mark 2 metre queuing outside toilets and main front entrance. | |
Hazard: Food and Drink Preparation Areas Potential risk of transfer of virus through cross contamination | |
Control Measures: | |
1. Posters to be displayed in kitchen – wash hands first, use good hygiene measures in preparing food/drinks and clean up any spillages immediately. | |
2. Sign on microwave and cooker saying ‘Please wipe after use’. | |
3. Sign saying food should be placed in a sealed wrapper if to be placed in the communal fridge. | |
4. Provision of clean tea towels daily. | |
Hazard: Waste Ill health as a result of Covid-19 and other pathogens through cross contamination after contact with waste. | |
Control Measures: 1. Posters to be displayed re. used tissues: ‘Catch it, kill it bin it’. | |
2. All waste bins, which are provided in every hall or room, are carefully and and safely emptied daily by cleaning staff. | |
3. Cleaning staff to be instructed not to put hands directly into waste bins as they may contain contaminated items. | |
Hazard: Meeting rooms Potential risk of transfer of virus on account of close contact between people | |
Control Measures: | |
1. Poster saying maximum number in back room is 3. | |
2. Gaffer tape to be laid on floor indicating 2 metre social distancing in back room. |
3. Posters saying no hugs or handshakes to be displayed in back room and elsewhere and staff and customers to be reminded of this. |
Hazard: Workstations, IT equipment, telephones, pens Cross contamination can occur if equipment shared. |
Control Measures: |
1. Staff told not to share equipment or if equipment has to be shared, to wipe screens, keyboards and phones regularly with sanitising wipes provided. |
2. Telephones to be deep cleaned daily by cleaning staff. |
Hazard: Vulnerable employees Vulnerable employees with existing health conditions are at a higher risk of contracting Covid-19. |
Control Measures: |
1. In accordance with Govt. policy staff who are in the vulnerable/high risk categories are not allowed on the premises. |
2. Those over 70 should maintain the 2 metre social distancing rule at all times. |
Hazard: Cleaning and hygiene Inadequate cleaning & hygiene standards pose a risk of spreading infection through cross-contamination. Control Measures: |
1. Cleaning staff told to frequently clean hard surfaces – floors, handrails, door handles, switches etc. |
2. Suitable disinfectant cleaning products are used by cleaning staff. |
3. Colour coded mops and cloths have been ordered to protect against cross-contamination of surfaces. |
4. Hot water, liquid and solid soap, disposable towels, electric hand dryers and hand sanitiser dispensers are provided in appropriate locations. |
5. Staff are required to report anything contaminated or spilt that requires cleaning. |
Hazard: Personal hygiene Poor personal hygiene standards pose a risk of passing or contracting the infection Control Measures: |
1. The importance of good personal hygiene has been explained to staff and hygiene posters are displayed throughout the building for customers. These emphasise the need for thorough hand washing with soap and water for 20 seconds and avoiding touching eyes, nose or mouth. |
2. Staff and customers to be provided with disposable tissues, to be used when coughing and sneezing. Used tissues to be bagged and placed in bin. |